Rosa Luxemburg was imprisoned at various times in her life, but the last waves of imprisonment centered most fully on her opposition to the German war effort, and the fragmenting of the SPD into at least three factions. The stand of the staff of Die Gleichheit mirrored Luxemburg's own stand their feelings was that, in general, women's questions could not be divorced from the greater SPD issues. As Luxemburg writes, the proletarian women's claim to equal political rights is anchored in firm economic ground every day enlarges the host of women exploited by capitalism. The class antagonisms and conditions of production apply to all workers and to female workers equally. This chapter discusses how Luxemburg's interest in imperialism and capitalist expansion, both from the stand point of theory and from the stand point of simple facts on the ground, made an enormous difference in the climate surrounding the Spartacus League in the era immediately preceding and during World War I.