Labour force characteristics in Argentina, women represent 41.1 percent of the total labour force with around 30 percent of managerial positions, but only 12 percent of senior ones. Similar to other countries, a higher percentage of university and tertiary students in Argentina are women and their academic performance is better than that observed in males. In the last few years in Argentina, multiple opportunities have arisen for better personal fulfilment of women, including special academic courses, collaboration in non-profit organizations, entrepreneurship, generation of social networks with shared interests, access to entertainment and tourism. In the Argentine Government, women constitute 48 percent of employees and 11 percent of the highest posts in the ministries. They were first allowed to vote in 1951 and after that date, legislation related to marital rights have changed considerably, allowing similar rights to both parties, overcoming a strong machista orientation, and present legislation regarding matrimonial disputes is egalitarian.