The only canonized saint of Scandinavia is the aristocratic lady Birgitta of Sweden also known as St Bridget of Sweden. In 1999 Pope John Paul II proclaimed St Birgitta of Sweden, St Catherine of Siena and St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross co-patronesses of Europe. In Birgitta of Sweden's canonization process an important part of her saintly virtue was her reputation as a tireless pilgrim. After her canonization in 1391 she inspired many other women such as Margery Kempe to embark on pilgrimages. This chapter explores beginning of Birgitta's saintly career and the role that pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela played in it. Going on pilgrimages was typical of wealthy people in medieval Europe and Christianized Scandinavia also followed this trend. A good Christian should arrange his or her life so that at some point, he or she could perform a longer pilgrimage.