This chapter provides the background note on Pufendorf as natural law theorist on public law and religious peace. As a political phenomenon, hegemony merits attention. On hegemony, see Randall Lesaffer, Defensive warfare, prevention and hegemony. The justifications of the Franco-Spanish War of 1635, Journal of the History of International Law. The Hobbesian Pufendorf of De jure took no particular issue with absolutist rule in France. The Hobbesian Pufendorf of De jure took no particular issue with absolutist rule in France. The case for Pufendorf as only great juristic exponent of Hobbes is powerfully made by Fiammetta Palladini, Samuel Pufendorf discepolo di Hobbes. Thus the Civil Power does not reach this Kingdom; true Piety being not implanted by Human Force, which is insufficient to procure Gods Grace, or raise those inward Motions which are chiefly acceptable to God Almighty; and without which, all our exterior Actions, that may be enforced by a Civil Authority, are to be deemd vain and fruitless.