Innovative applications are as likely to bring creative business success as creativity itself. Everything within new economy column is about change, movement and need for a smart, flexible response to an ever-changing cultural and economic environment. Creative people usually become aware very quickly that they are working within a particular tradition of creativity for Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Paul Ricoeur is a hermeneutical philosopher who formulated a particular method of interpreting written texts. Research Behind Leading to Innovation can lead to innovation in two ways: Generic research and Specific research. Behaviourist psychology defines creativity as involving the formation of associations between stimuli and responses which are characterized by the fact that the elements linked together are not normally associated. Solipsism is the worst kind of ignorance, because it is ignorance that stems from believing that one already knows everything one needs to know. Epistemology often makes people feel bit uncomfortable because it re-problematizes what they thought they could take for granted.