This chapter extends the fields of workplace geographies by discussing gender variant people's embodied experiences of, and feelings associated with, work. It finds it a bit weird at work coming out cos it's feels like readers should be doing their work and stuff and yeah. The chapter discusses a theme, that is, gender is fluid and at times unknowable. It provides accounts of gender variant people's embodied feelings of (dis)comfort and (not) belonging to illustrate the constitutive relationship between workplace, bodies and (in)security. There's a great deal to learn about collegiality and precarious power from Grace's account of her shearing shed workplace. The chapter provides quote from Joel. Joel identifies as genderqueer, and in Butler's terms, 'undoes gender' by being illegible. It canvasses the work experiences of range of gender variant and transgender people. Transgender people wanting to avoid gender trouble may conform to binary gendered workplaces, thus avoiding the risk of losing one's job and friendly workplace relationships.