“Here Mr. Kniglit ended writinge in His Jornall, and this 26 day of June 1606 the said Knight, his mate, 2 his brother, and 3 others, went into their shallop, and rowed to an Iland about 6 myle from their ship. Comeng to the iland the said Knight, his mate, his brother and ...... went a shore, takinge with hym a compas and other instruments, to take a plat of the land: also they toke with them swords daggs muskets and halfe pykes to defend them from the enemyes yf they should meete with any. They went a shore about 10 of the clocke in the mornenge, commandinge the other 2 whom they left in the shallop wherof the trumpeter was one, to tarry there for them until 3 aclock in the afternoon: whiche attendance they performed, and stayed untill 11 aclock at nyght as they say, for neither that night nor at any tyme after, notwithstanding they sent a shore agayne and used their best means untill they were assalted by the salvages, could they either see, hear, or understand what was become of ye said Mr. Knight or the others that went a shore wth hym.” 3 294