Having remained in this island o f Giava altogether four­ teen. days, we determined to return back, because, partly through the fear of their cruelty in eating men, partly also through the extreme cold, we did not dare to proceed far-^ ther, and also because there was hardly any other place known to them [the Christians]. Wherefore we chartered a large vessel, that is, a giunco, and took our way outside the islands towards the east; because on this side there is no archipelago, and the navigation is more safe. W e sailed for fifteen days and arrived at the city o f Malacha, and here we stopped for three days, where our Christian companions re­ mained, whose bewailings and lamentations it would be impossible shortly to describe; so that, truly, if I had not

1 Barbosa attributes a similar inhuman practice to the Mussulmans o f B engal:— “ Li Mori mercatanti di questa cittH vanno fra terra a comprar garzoni piccolini dalli lor padri e madri gentili, e da altri, che gli rubbano, e li castrano, levandogli via il tut to, di soxte che restano rasi* come la palma della mano : e alcuni di questi moiono, ma quelli che scampano, gli allevano molto bene, e poi li vendono per cento e ducento ducati l ’uno alii Mori di Persia, che gli apprezzano molto, per tenerli in guardia delle lor donne, e della lor robba, e per altre dishonest^.” Pigafetta also mentions the kingdom o f Cirote in Burmah as the place “ dove si fanno tutti li Eunuchi che sono condotti di Levante.” (R a ­ m u s io , vol. i. pp. 316, 391.) It is a well known fact, that the excision described was at one time extensively practised in Upper Egypt, and that rumour, whether true or false I know not, attributed the horrible operation to certain Coptic monks.