1. I Return’d the third time to the College of St Thomas, as Professor of Morning Classes in Theology. Then, the following Year, towards the end of April, the Lord Archbishop appointed Don Christopher Sarmiento, Curate of our Lady of Guidance, to be Ecclesiastical Visitor to Mindoro; he desired me to bear him company and little invitation was necessary, because the Air of Manila did not agree with me. Father Provincial gave his Consent, and taking one of my Scholars for my Companion, we went up the River all together; then we cross’d the Sea, and upon the Feast of the Invention of the Cross [3 May] I preach’d at Baco. The Indians have more than usual Devotion for the Cross, they celebrate the Festival with all conceivable solemnity. There is no Indian Town but is full of Crosses, which they adorn and set out very curiously. Going to the first place we were to visit, as we were sailing up the River, a terrible Storm overtook us, and we had a wretched Night in the Vessel, which was very small. We cross’d the ‘Mountain of the Leeches’ a second time with much trouble. I was about leaving the second place of visiting till our Return. A Chief ask’d me to hear his Confession; I advis’d him to stay, because I would return that way, and stay there some time. He press’d and desir’d me to hear his Confession; I did so, and when I came back to that place they told me that he was dead. I look’d upon it as a special Predestination of Providence on his behalf and I remember he made a good Confession, and was very penitent.