This chapter begins in accordance with the everyday procedure in every kind of work, things being first marked out and then cut. The Ganges has two mouths, one in Cambodia and the other in Bengal, which contains many kingdoms as we shall see later, and from Cambodia to China the rising of each river will be dealt with. The Suma Oriental is divided into four parts. The first will deal with the beginning of Asia, starting from Africa to the First India. The second will be from the First India to the end of Middle India. The third will be the High India on the other side of the Ganges, ending at Ayuthia (Odia). The fourth will be about the kingdom of China and all the provinces subject to it, with the noble island of Liu Kiu (Lequeos), Japan (Janpon), Borneo, the Lucoes and the Macassars (Macaceres). The fifth will be about all the islands in detail.