The French healthcare system has one of the most tightly managed controls on pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement. In theory, France has free pricing for pharmaceuticals. However, prices for reimbursed drugs are controlled through the Economic Committee (CEPS). The Actual Medical Benefit (SMR) is a measure of the drug's utility which is assessed on the basis of an evaluation of the nature and severity of the disease, drug efficacy/safety, place in therapy and the existence and adequacy of existing treatment alternatives. Hospitals can purchase and dispense drugs that are authorized by the Ministry of Health after evaluation of Service Medicale Rendu (SMR) and Actual Medical Benefit (ASMR) by the Transparency Commission. Hospitals are generally responsible for the procurement of drugs for inpatient use. On the basis of the Social Security Financing Law of 2008, Haute Authorit de Sant (HAS) been tasked with publishing recommendations and medico-economic opinions in order to pursue healthcare efficiency improvements.