This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts presents in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book examines the Leagues intensely acrimonious relationship with the German Vlkisch Freedom Party a major north German right-wing extremist organization. It explores the Leagues relationship, particularly through its chairman Heinrich Cla, to Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party through April 1924. The book discusses the background and development of the conservative German National People's Party (DNVP) and its ties to the Pan-German League through 1925. The book explains in detail the Leagues role in the campaign to promote Alfred Hugenberg as party chairman. During this period, the Pan-Germans mounted a concerted campaign to force the party away from any further accommodation with the Weimar Republic. The book demonstrates that the Pan-Germans retained some influence over the DNVP and the German Right more broadly in the final stages of the Weimar Republic, primarily through their political contacts at the national level.