There was a prodigious moving of the earth in the east part of the County of Hereford, at Kinneston, a small village. For the 17th of February at six of the clocke in the evening, the grounde sunke, and an hill with a rocke of stones at the foote of it, lifted itself up as if it had risen out of a large sleepe, with a very great roaring at the first, and a voyse, that it was heard by the neighbours a farre off, and ascended to a higher place, leaving a deepe pit behinde it, and carrying with it trees growing, sheepcoats, and flocks of sheep. Of the trees, some lay covered with earth, and others growing fast in the hill as it went stood upright, in such sort as if they had taken root then at first. In the place whence it departed, it left a pit forty foot wide, and four-score elles long. The ground in all was about twenty acres and in going it overthrew a chappell that stood in the way. A Yeugh tree which stood in the Churchyard it removed from the west to the east. With the same force it thrust forward the high wayes, 89with sheepe coats, hedges and trees in them. Of arable ground it made pasture and of pasture arable ground. The higher ground which it met with, it went over, and crushing it together with great force, made it into an higher hill, as it were with a mount cast up. Thus when it had walked on from Sunday in the evening until munday at noone, at length, as if it were weary of the journey, and laboured with its owne weight, it stood still. 1