To the right honorable and my very good lord the lord high Treasurer of England give these. At the Courte or elsewhere. 1 May it please yor good lordshippe to understande that wthin eight or ten days after my late returne out of Englande to Paris, the Erle of Westmorland, 2 havinge hearde I knowe not howe of myne arrival, sent a french servant of his twise secretly to seeke mee, and to requeste mee instantly to come to speake a word or two wth hym. After the seconde tyme, makinge my lord Ambassador acquaynted withall, I went to knowe his wil, whom I found very desirous to understand yor lordships answere concerning his humble sute unto her Matie. I told hym howe willing and forward I found yor lordshippe to move her to become his gracious mistresse, and that if I had not bin soe suddenly dispatched, and when yr lordship was altogether so leasurelesse that you could not write to Sr Edward hymselfe, 3 yt was very likely yow wold have returned hym some answere. Whereuppon he earnestly requested mee to write out of hand unto yor lordshippe to beseech yow to have hym in remembrance, and to vouchsafe by one or other meanes to let hym heere somewhat from yow assone as opportunitie and yor good leasure may permitte. This request ended, he shewed mee what unfayned desire he had to do some special piece of service, and told me that Morgan that archtraytour was newely come agayne to Paris aboute some base practise, addinge with diverse deepe othes, that if he might have any good hope from you of her maties favour (whom he most humblie besought to consider his youth and ignorance of the subtil traynes of the world when he was drawn into his heynous offence) hee would hazard his owne 380person and that wthout delay to make some notable proofe to the Queene of his sincere affection to her matie and his country. Hee told me further that the lord Marshal of Scotland wch had bin in Spayne a greate part of the last yere was newly and secretly gone downe from hence to the Duke of Parma, accompanied only wth the Scot that betrayed Lijre in Brabant. Hee added that he had very good meenes to understand the practises of Spayne by one Higgington an English prieste, wch is at his devotion abydyng in this towne, to whom Sr Francis Englefield doth use to write often matters of importance, wth hee wold from tyme to tyme reveale to me, or such as yor lord-shippe shold appoynt hym. Besides al these, he signified unto mee that the Spanish Ambassadour Mendoza, being not able to reade the letters that are sent hym from his Mr hymselfe, by reason of the greate decay of his sighte, is constrayned to use a yonge man to reade them unto hym, wth whom he hath acquayntaince, and hopeth to close with hym and drawe matter of weyght from hym.