This chapter focuses on the most evident expression of the need to balance transnational with national interest is in the EU ideological apparatus, finely constructed in the contrasting discourse between communality and subsidiarity. In the Maastricht Treaty the preamble indicates the resolution of the founding members to achieve the strengthening and the convergence of their economies and to establish an economic and 'monetary union'. According to some of the members of the local NGOs the double design' of the Czech portion of the Brno-Vienna highway is the outcome of the need to respond to the interests of two sets of contrasting entrepreneur and/or politician lobbies in the Mikulov and Beclav areas. One major difference, which rendered the NGOs' trans-border cooperation problematic, is that in the Czech Republic the SEA and EIA need to be provided by the Ministry of the Environment, which acts in cooperation with the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Local Development for road planning.