Evbeie naturall Historie is of it selfe pleasing, and very profitable, to such as will raise vp their discourse and contemplation on high, in that it doth move them to glorify the Author of all nature, as we see the wise and holy men do, specially David in many Psalmes. And lob likewise, treating of the secrets of the Creator, whereas the same Lord answereth Iob so amplie. He that takes delight to vnderstand the wondrous works of Nature shal taste the true pleasure and content of Histories; and the more, whenas he shal know they are not the simple workes of men, but of the Creator himself, and that he shall comprehend the naturall causes of these workes, then shall he truly occupie himselfe in the studie of Philosophie. But he that shall raise his consideration higher, beholding the gret and first architect of all these marvells, he shal know his wise-dom and infinite greatnes, and (we may say) shall be divinely imployed.. And so the discourse of naturall things may serve for many good considerations, although the feeblenes and weakenes of many appetites are commonly accustomed to stay at things lesse profitable, which is the desire to know new things, called curiositie. The Discourse and Historie of naturall things of the Indies (besides the common content it gives) hath yet another benefite, which is to treate of things a farre off, the greatest parte whereof were 105vnknowne to the most excellent Authors of that profession which have bin among the Ancients. And if wee should write these naturall things of the Indies so amply as they require, being so strange, I doubt not but we might compile works no lesse than those of Plinie, Theophrastus, and Aristotle. But I hold not my selfe sufficient, and although I were, yet is not my intent but to note some naturall things which I haue seene and knowne being at the Indies, or have received from men worthy of credit, the which seeme rare to me and scarce known in Europe. By reason whereof I will passe over many of them briefly, ether bicause they are writen of by others, or else require a longer discourse then I can now give.