In the Ideal Chapter we showed that operating procedures for normal flight situations are designed as if flight operations are linear, predictable, and under the complete control of the crew. Moreover, we argued that the training that is based on such procedures, and which to a large extent is designed to teach and practice these procedures, further conveys this implicit perspective about the nature of flight operations. However, as we showed in the Real Chapter, this perspective is inconsistent with the reality of day-to-day airline operations. The Analysis Chapter explained some of the risks resulting from the interaction between the nature of human cognition and these discrepancies between the ideal and the real. In the present chapter, we discuss specific implications and applications of our work for the design of procedures and training. We also describe how one major carrier applied our analysis, and we conclude with a more general discussion of ways in which individuals and organizations can reduce risks and improve human operators’ ability to manage the complex demands of real-world operations in all types of dynamic work environments.