This chapter explores the dialectics of Occupation Normalization and Estrangement Discourse within the context of a citizens’ discourse on social media, specifically focusing on the discourse on the public Facebook pages of politicians and non-governmental organizations. Our analysis begins by focusing on how the Self dialectically represents itself and the Other within the context of occupation normalization and estrangement. We point to two central strategies within this context: 1) Distancing or outright denying the existence of other groups in service of occupation normalization and estrangement; 2) Setting clear borders regarding the types of people who are part of the “legitimate we” and thus entitled to hold an opinion regarding Israeli control of the territories. We then illustrate how social media discourse depicts everyday concerns of Israelis to dialectically normalize and estrange the occupation, focusing on social justice concerns and personal security. Finally, we examine a subversive discourse which neither normalizes the occupation nor estranges it. This discourse suggests a re-thinking of Zionist discourse, positing a discourse that does not differentiate between Self and Other, but attempts an inclusive, humanistic discourse.