This chapter reviews the research on trust in God. It includes a description of the role of trust in religion from the perspectives of Knowledge Acquisition Theory (KAT), Attachment Theory, and the Bases, Domains, and Target Dimensions (BDT) Framework. The chapter also reviews the research on trust in religion by Rosmarin and his colleagues and the potential benefits that trust may have on psychological adjustment and physical health. God as an attachment figure is the core principle in the Attachment Theory conceptualisation of trust in God. The researchers found that generalised social trust was very low when countries had a combination of higher-than-average religiosity and higher-than-average religious heterogeneity. The chapter highlights the potential role that trust in God plays in coping with serious illnesses such as cancer. The research supported the hypothesis that religious upbringing predisposes young children to use religious beliefs to decide whether religious events are real, and fantastic events are real rather than pretend.