Epic Arts is an international inclusive arts organisation based in Cambodia and registered as a charity in the UK. It aims to use the arts as a form of expression and empowerment, to unite people with and without disabilities and to bring about personal and societal change in attitudes by promoting the message that every person counts. In 2015 Epic Arts received funding as part of the Cambodia Disability Inclusive Development Fund (CDIDF) from UNICEF and Australian Aid to conduct a project called I Can …. The I Can … project aimed to achieve three key goals over two years:

To educate people with disabilities about the thing•s they can do in their lives and within society in Cambodia, enabling them to develop confidence and self-belief through arts based activities.

To educate community members, including key decision makers from the Department of Education, village chiefs, local school directors, teachers and health representatives about how people with disabilities can live their lives and be active members of society in Cambodia.

To raise general awareness of the abilities of people with disabilities in Cambodia as active members of society and challenge perceptions by demonstrating that disabled people are capable of many different things.