When theoretical, 'scientific' and historical texts were published, Stalin intervened to impose flattering content, including eulogies of his modesty. At this point one gains the impression that even Stalin's Lenin is an invention, a steel dogma, as is the brilliant Stalin who rigidly follows him; Lenin is transformed into a premise created a posteriori to justify all the Stalinian follies and cruelties. Iosif Dzhugashvili's paranoia was diagnosed clearly by the greatest authority of the time. Provocatively, but sincerely, Amis has said that Stalin only trusted one person in his life: Adolf Hitler. Stalin's inversion of causes is manifested in an extreme form in the explanation of suicides. On 27 December 1929, in Pravda, Stalin announced the objective of 'eliminating the kulaki as a class'. The year 1937 also brought the twentieth anniversary of the October Revolution. Stalin felt that he was at the height of his power. Finally, in the late evening of 5 March 1953, Stalin died.