Fernando Cardoso, a sociologist, his doctoral thesis, Capitalism and Slavery in Southern Brazil, provided an analysis of the rise and demise of the slavery system in the nineteenth century in the southern-most state in Brazil. Cardoso and associates emerged as significant players in the gradual process of political reopening that began in 1973. Brazil is in fact a suitable culmination to the integral endeavours, in a sense, it is the BRICS ultimate 'surprise package'. Marina Silva, 2014 Presidential candidate in Brazil, as described in the book by her American follower, Ziporah Hildebrandt, had originally grown up in the seringal, the rubber-tapping region of Amazonia. For overall social and economic effect, ultimately there can be nobody better than the Brazilian polymath Roberto Mangabeira Unger, effectively re-imagining free trade. Mangabeira Unger sets out a programme for reconstructing the large-scale institutional structure of society: the constitution of government, the organization of the economy and the system of legal rights.