Thank you for inviting me to read your Introduction and Chapter 1 of this book. I was particularly struck by the ideas of Beradi (2009) that you have shared. Beradi’s analysis of the transformation of work may be a disturbingly accurate picture of many of our current institutions, including our places of work. But I also think we need to be careful of not over-romanticising the past or the alternatives. I am nervous of analyses that leave us in the binary of public disengaged work and the private soulful self, expressed through an aesthetic outlet. As those in the radical hospitality tradition argue, ‘work expresses our humanity and it gives us a chance to use our gifts. Work requires reverence and it teaches us of our value’ (Homan and Pratt, 2002: 122). This act of writing, right now, is part of my work as an academic. But it is soulful to me – reminding me of my humanity and using my gifts. More importantly, it feels whole and integrated. This brings me to thinking about implications for community-based organisations and the careful, soulful work occurring there. I am interested in using this space you have invited me into, to think about how we create soul within our community-oriented work and community-based organisations (CBOs), and how we safeguard soulful work where it already exists.