Co-operative relationships can break down if individuals perceive others as exploiting them or if they perceive themselves as being unable to give to the relationship in an equitable way. The analysis of deception is of major importance to understanding of how people link themselves together to form relationships. Deception is associated with many psychological concepts such as guilt, loyalty and trust. Guilt can only be experienced for social objects and in social roles. Justification is an attempt to counteract guilt. Guilt can only be activated by self-evaluation and it links directly with morality. Guilt and shame can be used to manipulate certain behaviours in another and encourage conformity to a set of standards or goals. The existential approach to guilt distinguishes between actual/real and fantasised or distorted guilt. Guilt is usually associated with efforts to repair, to make amends, seek redemption of sins, and so on. It relates to evaluations of reciprocation and moral issues; shame relates to power-dominance evaluations.