This chapter presents three techniques that mentoring coordinator can teach mentors and proteges: reflection, redirection, and realization. Mentoring relationships are learning relationships, and as such they too must handle the obstacles and problems encountered by mentors and proteges. The chapter discusses techniques to promote high-quality relationships for mentors and proteges. It explores information about mindset, and provides a framework for engaging in learning conversations. A growth mindset also builds resiliency and motivation, and provides a basis for a learning relationship. Reflection is effortful but necessary. It is important to support mentoring participants in understanding how their brains operate when they engage in reflection. Redirection is a useful tool for proteges and mentors to restructure conversations about overcoming challenges. Realization draws on appreciative inquiry techniques for mentoring conversations. The chapter highlights how mentors and proteges can engage with one another in ways that promote reflection through development of a learning mindset, redirection of negative experiences, and realization of ideal outcomes.