This chapter examines how the Midnight Notes Collective (MNC) view and describe capitalism. In 1991, The MNC published an issue of their journal Midnight Notes entitled New Enclosures. Gone are any ideas of a stable capitalist normality, rather capitalism appears to be caught in a series of violent spasms and spiralling authoritarianism. The division between state and market melt away as the attempts to enclose the commons, to proletarianise the population and to generate private property requiring the growth of the state. Wage-labour appears as just one form of capitalist work. Also as the proletariat is created, divisions within the proletariat are manifested. Thus the paradigm of a homogenous proletariat is dispensed with and so too the kinds of politics that rest upon this concept and the historical determinism that holds it up. The work of Italian feminists and the Wages for Housework struggles have been crucial for the development of the MNC.