Dance is one of the recurring motifs in Neubauten's work and is particularly important in this chapter. Some of contemporary dance's late twentieth-century developments reflect similar ideas found in Neubauten's work; this shared sympathy was expressed by Bargeld as dance companies have often tended to be more responsive to our music than other art-forms'. Body Art and Performance Happenings gathered pace in Germany during the 1960s; many aspects of these came directly out of the Student Movement's challenge to parental and governmental hypocrisy and artistic conservatism. The celebration of the deliberately unglamorous, working body in an equally abject working playground could be found in a diverse range of artists such as Joseph Beuys, Otto Muehl, Vita Acconi and Carolee Schneemann. However, it is not a step too far to view the growth of Tanztheater in Germany in the 1970s, as a prerequisite for some aspects of Neubauten's work.