This chapter explores rethinking the Euro/African border and migration nexus means deconstructing the epistemological interweaving between political practices of inclusion-exclusion and the images created to support and communicate them on the cultural level by Western territorialist modernity. Conceiving movement at the intersection of mobilities and enclosures, while showing that mobilities and enclosures join at the borders during the multifarious processes of bordering-othering, borderscapes demonstrate that borders and mobilities are not antithetical; rather, they undertake a crucial role when diving into the Euro/African border and migration nexus. By gazing into contemporary Mediterranean Euro/African bordering processes and practices through the borderscapes lens, it seems possible to progress beyond the current state-of-the-art in critical border studies. The chapter concludes by discussing the most significant results that can be achieved by adopting the borderscapes looking glass when rethinking the Euro/African borders, moving beyond their modern state imaginary in the current era of globalisation and transnational flows.