The Social Ecological Model systems are all interconnected, resulting in simultaneous and complex interactions contributing to, or protecting from, bullying and its negative effects. It is necessary to make changes not only in knowledge, but in policies and programs as well, to help facilitate change in the interactions and ultimately the culture. The whole-school approach emphasizes the importance of engaging change at all levels allowing for a collectively driven transformation throughout a school. The development of a whole-school anti-bullying policy, which includes an established communication protocol for addressing a situation. Similarly, the Friendly Schools Program is a socio-ecological intervention targeting the entire school, classroom, family, and individual students to reduce bullying behavior. Collective efficacy refers to the combination of mutual trust and social cohesion among members of a group that predicts their willingness to intervene for the common good. Bully courts offer an alternative that allows for greater variation in the experiences that influences the outcome, which includes a punishment.