This chapter explores the nature of the China-Zambia economic relations in terms of trade and investments and the types of benefits that the two countries are ripping from their relationship. Chinese aid is based on the principles of sustainability and mutual benefit. In addition, Chinese aid to Africa is unconditional and Beijing upholds a policy of non-interference in the internal affairs of African states and respects their national sovereignty and territorial integrity. In the case of Zambia, Beijing started supporting the African country during its struggle for independence. In 2011, Lusaka, Zambia's capital became the first African city to offer the Chinese currency in banking services. Despite the fore going positive assessments of Chinese investments in Zambia, there have been many criticisms regarding the operations of some Chinese businesses in Zambia. The Chinese working conditions are reportedly so bad that the Minister of Southern Province in Zambia cried when she saw the working environment at a Chinese coalmine in Kafue.