This chapter explores the ways in which Wainaina develops and expounds his critique of Pentecostalism and homophobia. It discusses Wainaina as one prominent example of African agency, courage, creativity and authority in the struggle for sexual diversity and gay rights in contemporary Africa. The chapter presents Wainaina as a queer prophet and as a critic of religion in Kenya's public sphere. It interests in how Wainaina as a queer prophet Johnson and Anderson is contesting the established authority of other prophets in the country. The chapter reveals the fundamental divergence between different forms of socio-political imagination represented by the respective prophets. The chapter interests in prophecy, the role of Prophet Dr David E. Owuor, the leader of the Ministry of Repentance and Holiness, whose long beard reminds one of the typical images of the biblical prophet, deserves attention. In recent years, demonology has shaped the way that Pentecostals in Africa have responded to issues of homosexuality.