This chapter discusses the existing circumstances of neighbourhood councils (NCs) and local civic associations (LCAs), based on the interviewees' responses. Parallel to the consensus about the state's attitudes, concerns about internal and technical hindrances within the LCAs were echoed by interviewees across all selected groups. The chapter presents the methodology and the qualitative approaches used in the research. Researching Tehran is therefore critical in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of local institutions in the face of their practical challenges and implementation opportunities. The chapter reviews literature devoted to urban governance and its features, including participation, effectiveness and accountability. The gender proposition in urban governance equity is linked to the acknowledgment of the diverse position and functions of women and men in human life and the social relationships between them. The citizens' responses regarding the forums' effects on their neighbourhoods were related mostly to the level of 'local services management' and 'local basics', rather than with policymaking.