When the captains Alonzo de Alvarado, Mercadillo, and Vergara had departed on their conquests, the Governor Wrote letters to his servants at Lima, ordering them to treat honourably Don Diego the son of Almagro, and Gomez de Alvarado, and to provide them with all they required. Diego Almagro the lad asked the Governor to remember the Old friend ship with his father, and desired him not to consent to any dishonour or affront being put upon him, nor that his life should be taken; for although Hernando Pizarro had announced in Cuzco that he was not to be killed, many doubted if he would keep his word. The Governor replied that he need not be alarmed, that his father would live and the old friendship would be resumed, and that he need have 228no doubt about it. with these words of the Governor the lad was, In some measure, consoled; and soon afterwards he took his leave, accompanied by Gomez de Alvarado, Juan De Herrada, and others of the men of chile. They arrived at lima and were comfortably lodged and entertained in the Governor'S house.