This chapter describes the evolution of the healthcare system in the country. It is motivated by a single objective, namely, to contribute to transforming the national health system to a high performing one. The various postulations and criticisms, emphasis on linkages between domestic legislative/policy statements and global practice, as well as attention to statutory and international legal obligations incumbent upon the country with respect to the health of the population are informed by this objective. Healthcare services in Nigeria are of two types, namely, public and private. In Nigeria, indigenous health practitioners comprise general practitioners, Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs), psychiatrists, bone-setters, herbalists, diviners, and spiritual/faith healers, among others. Regarding healthcare financing, whilst the chapter is in agreement with the choice of Social Health Insurance (SHI) system, the lacklustre performance of the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) is a source of grave concern. A mobilization campaign is a critical prelude to the successful introduction of a SHI system of financing healthcare.