The institutional logic of consistency guided French animal rights organizations' strategic choices in three main ways activists sought to maintain a consistency of personal practices, a consistency of organizational ideology and tactics, and a consistency of individual activists' actions with the ideology of their organization. Many French activists, including Sebastien, said they opposed bullfighting and hunting before they were vegetarian, and they saw such difference between thought and action as "inconsistent". The three ideological divides in the French movement were welfarism, animal rights, and antispeciesism. This chapter focuses on Strategic Choices and explores the US movement's institutional logic of pragmatism, and the French movement's logic of consistency. Historical national repertoires in the US included ideas of pragmatism, populism, and an ideology of "Americanism", whereas historical French themes included republicanism, as well as aristocratic, socialist, and anarchist traditions. This chapter explains about meso-level analysis which is the concept of group style, from sociologists Paul Lichterman and Nina Eliasoph.