The European Union (EU) provides a fertile ground for analysing the tensions between the cultural logic of universalism and cultural logic of particularism as its policies seem to dither between these logics. According to Dragievi eic, EU cultural policies towards Serbia can serve as case in point here as they are mainly understood as export of knowledge and expertise to an underdeveloped country. It is also important to note that universalism and particularism of one's own culture may not always be a consciously chosen strategy of actors. Colonialism and its aftermath created a world consisting of centre and periphery. The EU provides a fertile ground for analysing the tensions between cultural logic of universalism and cultural logic of particularism as its policies seem to dither between these logics. Accounts of cultures and cultural policies at the margins of Europe within this volume show that this experience of liminality is not restricted to migrant communities but also to societies in transition.