Countryside is a composite word, applying to the part which is away from, or outside, the city: the counter-side. The literal meaning of countryside depends on a comparison, but it is amenable to lateral associations. The countryside has been described by different authors as a 'reservoir of environmental and cultural resources' and as 'green decor for modern amusement', which just about sums up the main axis of discussion between its practical and recreational roles. Jonathan Murdoch chooses 'countryside' as a term to describe the site and situations for cultural construction. Thinking about globalisation in terms of countryside culture is of increasing relevance. Without doubt, the extent of cultural change over 50 years has produced what many people see as a dilution of a character that is specific. Rural historians and cultural geographers have noted the varied range of industries, occupations and types of people who take their life and leisure from the land, or around the land in the countryside.