We departed from Copeman-Hauen the seuen and twentieth of May, in the yeere of our Redemption 1606, with foure ships and a Pinnasse. The Frost, beeing Admirall, wherein went for principall Captaine of the Fleet Captaine Godske Lindeno, a Danish Gentleman, with my selfe, being, vnder God, Pilot Maior of the Fleet In the Lyon, which was Vice-Admirall, went, for Captaine and Commander, Captaine lohn Cunningham, a Scottish Gentleman, who was with me the yeere before. 1 In the Yewren, 2 went Hans Broivne, 3 a Gentleman of Norway. In the smal ship, called The Gillefloivre, went one Castine Rickerson, 4 a Dane. In the Pinnasse, called the 55 Ca went one shipper Andres Noll, 5 of Bergen, in Norway. So, by the prouidence of God, wee weighed and set saile about sixe a clocke in the Euening, with a faire gale at South South-west, comming to an Anchor in Elsonoure Road to take in our water.