The primary objective of many people when being polled is to complete it quickly with relatively neutral responses. In contrast to polling, social listening is built on the premise that people are talking, in their own voices, in their own ways, in their own time, all the time. In 2012, to raise awareness of the Social Business Index, Dachis went head-to-head with traditional polling by taking on perhaps the most high-profile poll in the world. Social listening is a key component of social customer relationship management (sCRM) or social selling. Understanding nuance in human communication is a preoccupation for those innovating in the field of social listening. Social listening platforms like Dachis's Social Business Index and others, including Socialmention, Silobreaker, Radian6, Lexalytics and Artesian Insight are able to extract meaning from human conversations using techniques such as natural language understanding and natural language processing (NLP).