This chapter explores the productive potential of the Internet, referring to three recent lines of effort in online suicide intervention: provision of online resources and self-help tools, development of online crisis lines and self-help groups, and statutory regulation over pro-suicide content. With respect to the deathcasting phenomenon, peer-to-peer surveillance takes an intriguing twist with the notion of online anonymity. In Japan, where the increase of online suicide pacts became a significant social issue since 2003, suicide intervention by the police has been promoted as a public health policy. In 2005, the Japanese National Police Agency (NPA) compiled guidelines that oblige internet service providers (ISPs) to provide police with users' personal information when finding content suggestive of suicidal intent, such as death notes and calls for suicide pacts. Upon identifying areas for future research, the chapter concludes by calling for a more interdisciplinary approach to Internet-related suicide that offers a promising alternative to the dominant medical and public health models.