This chapter outlines the presuppositions of the literature on gender, and the 'traditional' European philosophical literature on what, for the latter, is the relatively the new theme of sexualities. The purpose of this work is to present and explain the way sexualities and globalization that are linked. A characteristic feature of globalization is the increasing confrontation between nations on economic and geopolitical fronts. Through the difficulties it engenders for contemporary life, 'globalization' is a time and place of exceptionally fertile circumstances for humanity to take itself in hand and understand itself. A mise en abîme of the human as a dynamic of control over nature taking into consideration the availability to what arises when anticipation is neither possible nor desired. Cross-fertilization of worlds which successively break up and regress to their initial expressions, causes cultural interdependencies commensurate with cultural clashes that foster a grasp of the most archaic facets of humanity.