The previous chapters elucidated the context within which MULs operate and their primary activities and practices. But what are the attributes or characteristics of effective MULs? What competencies and associated behaviours are required for the effective discharge of this highly complex and ambiguous role? Prior chapters on commitment, control and change briefly surfaced various characteristics attributable to effective MULs in the summary sections, but a proper consideration of this dimension is now required at this juncture for two reasons. First, it enables us to complete an integrated framework of the effective MUL, an overview that has been hitherto lacking within this field. Second, it provides a useful framework for practitioners with regard to MUL selection, appraisal and development. An absence of such a template in this book would have left the reader wiser with regard to what effective MULs do, but less certain as to which personal characteristics are enabling factors, making for an incomplete picture.