This chapter demonstrates the value of visual methods generally, and photo-elicitation specifically, as part of green cultural criminology. It examines the methodological aspects of this new source for generating qualitative data in the green criminology field is followed by some excerpts that illustrate how images can provide a means of eliciting narratives from interviewees. Green criminology is a criminological area that allows the meeting of a wide range of theoretical orientations aimed at connecting a series of issues of crucial importance for today's world: environmental crimes, harms and various forms of justice related to the environment, the animal species and the planet. The chapter examines a town in southern Spain, Huelva, heavily polluted by a neighbouring industrial chemical plant established during the 1960s. It concludes with a call to use a qualitative visual approach for carrying out research in green criminology designed to open the way for new explorations of environmental harms and crimes.