The necessity for focusing on border-crossing in both the projects of the Transnational Republic and came about through two quite ordinary stories. For the Transnational Republic and the Bundesverband Schleppen und Schleusen it is a means to respond to precariousness around human mobility. In combination with the diffusion of cultural landscapes via actual and virtual technologies, this reshaping has exerted significant influence on the possibilities for movement and containment, as the Transnational Republic and recognize. By introducing the conceptual terrain of globalization and migration, it is instructive to address the dynamics of globalization in relation to the nation-state and citizenship as the Transnational Republic does. The Transnational Republic sees itself as responding to the complex and symbiotic movements of state and global power by establishing a transnational body, which can act as a representative of global citizenry. This is seen explicitly in the insignia of the Transnational Republic as a semiotic repetition of the United Nations logo.