The impact of the Nazi take-over in Austria on the Faculty of Medicine was enormous, as out of 309 active and 43 retired scientists, more than half were dismissed in 1938. Despite the prominence of the institution, relatively little is known about the day-to-day research activities at the university during the war, including possible experimentation on humans without their consent. An example from Hans Eppinger's clinic concerns research on artificially induced states of shock, which was conducted in cooperation with the Psychiatric-Neurological Clinic under Otto Potzl. With Franz Hamburger, the Vienna University Paediatric Clinic was directed already from 1930 by a stalwart representative of the right-wing volkisch camp. One troubling aspect of the relationship between the university Paediatric Clinic and the Spiegelgrund hospital is their collaboration in vaccination experiments on children conducted by the clinic's assistant Elmar Turk.