This chapter presents women's descriptions of the main camps in both the Soran and Badinan regions. It describes the physical conditions in the prison camps. Nugra Salman was a two storey prison fortress in the south of Iraq. The Saudi hills could be seen in the distance. Nizarka fort, which was the equivalent of Topzawa in the Badinan region, was another place where women hopelessly watched their men suffers. In February 1988, when the first Anfal started, the majority of the inhabitants of Jafati valley lived away from their villages because of the regular bombardments. At the end of February, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) forces, helped by civilians and with Iranian assistance, broke into the snow and opened few escape routes to Iran. Unlike the Holocaust, where men and women were held in concentration and labour camps, men were taken from the temporary holding centres straight to the execution site during Anfal.