This chapter outlines the situation during some of the major gas attacks on villages between 1987 and 1988. It addresses women's ill health, their beliefs about their health problems, stigmatisation in the community, and psychological problems. The chapter focuses on the situation of survivors of the major gas attacks: The April 1987 gassing of Balisan valley, the February 1988 attacks on Jafati valley, the March 1988 gassing of Sewsenan, the May 1988 gassing of Goptapa, and the August 1988 gassing of Badinan region. In April 1987 the Iraqi government, for the first time, used chemical weapons against Kurdish civilians in the Jafati and Balisan valleys. This was in response to the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK's) attack on Iraqi military posts in the Jafati valley. On 22 March 1988 the second Anfal attack reached Qaradagh region with a major gas attack on the village of Sewsenan.