This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book provides an understanding of globalization's role as enabler and supporter of this new capitalist era, of the fundamental phenomena involved in its worldwide reach, and of the social pathologies and injustices it generates. The systemic realities they impose are major obstacles to a just and sustainable global society, and deserve to be exposed and opposed. Exposing the global dimensions of technocapitalism, its social pathologies and injustices, and its connection with corporate power. This objective is made urgent by the fact that the new era of capitalism that technocapitalism represents will impose new global realities upon us and upon future generations of humanity, that can only be countered at great human cost. The book considered abstract and complex, they defy simplification and their full profile is still largely unknown, but they are fundamental for understanding the globalization of technocapitalism.