This chapter examines the potential of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) as a catalyst for Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) in the European Union. It focuses on tensions within the internal institutional framework of the European Commission and between the Commission, Member States, regional seas conventions, and non-EU members. It also focuses the challenges posed by integrating a wide array of legislative instruments on both the national and regional levels. The chapter outlines the most applicable legislative instruments for each descriptor, as well as relevant programs and committees of the regional seas initiatives. It requires Member States to achieve 'Good Environmental Status' (GES) in European seas by 2020, which will necessitate harmonizing their implementation of several pieces of EU legislation. Sustainable fisheries is one of the eleven qualitative descriptors for GES, and both flawed fisheries management and the economic 'maritime' focus of the Integrated Maritime Policy (IMP) still have potential to derail the process.