The chronology of Project attach starts with Jonathan and his vision of using digital technology within the MPS. The history of attach alongside other projects in programme digital, originates in the MPS's DOT. The first project proposal Jonathan developed was based on the core business of policing, namely police work surrounding stolen property. The project was called Global Retrieval, Access and Information System for Property Items (GRASP). Urban and Rural sector is developing tele-working and tele-services as tools for economic development. Tele-working can help increase the competitiveness of rural and peripheral areas whilst reducing traffic congestion. The Greek partners led by Aristotle University sought to provide services via digital systems and interfaces specifically to support Thessaloniki's Cultural Capital events. The Central Scotland Police serves an area of 1,300 square miles and has 1,000 employees. The Greek partners led by Aristotle University sought to provide services via digital systems and interfaces specifically to support Thessaloniki's Cultural Capital events.